Consultations and retreats specifically for people working in healthcare
When your working life is about accompanying people through their suffering, it can feel difficult to pause and dwell upon your own larger life, your own health, your own dreams. And in this time of pandemic the pressure is even greater than before.
Do you have difficulty switching off? Or do you suffer from tiredness or even despair and lack of efficiency? Have you lost your vision for your work and your life?
I offer a place outside time, where we explore together, in total confidentiality, the feelings underlying your stagnation. It is a safe space where you can look into your heart to find new clarity and the energy to make a transition; moving towards a life and a sense of yourself that you can embrace again.
Together we can disentangle dreams from fears, allowing new images for your life to emerge and work on finding the resilience needed to incorporate the new. What if you wish to take a sabbatical, or work differently, change profession, move to a different place? But also what if you are suffering from illness yourself, what choices do you make to put your own health first? Or what would happen when you retire, what do you leave behind, who will you be?
Entering a series of dialogues with a trusted professional is giving yourself the gift of more freedom in your life: you will become better equipped to confront your fears and listen to your heart.
Retreat In Périgord Vert, France
A nature retreat can give you a true home away from your habitual way of experiencing yourself and your work. The beautiful Perigord Vert with its wild valleys and streams is the ideal sanctuary to feel the rhythms and truths of nature and to re-align yourself with them, finding inspiration for how you wish to live and work. I offer a tailor-made program with preparation and after-care.