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“The journey through transitions”

has been a guiding theme in my many years of working with people. I have a long experience with and deep love for accompanying people as they navigate change in their lives and I witness time and again the profound transformation the insights and tools of depth psychology can bring.

Qualifications and experience

My ways of working and being have been shaped by my own experiences; from early childhood on I found inspiration in nature, I lived through many transitions and I value the importance of taking time out for yourself and walking the journey together with a trusted person while going through change.

My work is further inspired by my training in and practice of visual arts and writing, music and dance; authentic movement, Feldenkrais, yoga and meditation. At the moment I am studying somatic experiencing, pain-science and IntrinZen also pertaining to the relationship between humans and animals.

Qualities I bring to my work are the capacity for creating a safe space and relationship, for deep listening; offering clarity and wider perspective, new ways to connect to your imagination and appreciation for the complexity of every person and every life.

Before working in France I was in private practice in The Hague, The Netherlands and ran a company organizing nature retreats.

Prior to that I lived for many years in India and worked as co-director of The Jung Center India ,which organizes training programs and seminars.

In an earlier career I worked internationally for humanitarian organisations as a human rights lawyer.

I am a certified Jungian psychoanalyst and received my post-graduate training in Zürich at the International School for Analytical Psychology. As a member of the Association of Graduate Analytical Psychologists and the International Association for Analytical Psychology I am bound to their ethical code. In France I hold membership in the Association Jungienne de Psychoanalyse d’Occitanie

The artwork is derived from paintings by janine van herwaarden, visit for the originals. Siret: 878 865 187 00016.
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